“Is today a working day?” OR “Are we working today?”

Earlier this month Notion introduced Q&A – as per their launch blog post, “It’s a way for you to get instant answers to any question using information across your knowledge, docs, projects, meeting notes, and more.”

If you are managing a data application or are in the process of building one, one of the key features is giving the user the ability to discover the information they are looking for. Traditional keyword search puts the onus on the user to get the ‘right’ search term. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Large Language Models (LLMs) have changed that, as they can identify user intent without depending on the language proficiency of the user. Data which is difficult to discover lying in inaccessible silos can turn valuable if harnessed correctly.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

– Albert Einstein

We have developed an AI-based platform Beacon NLP which can integrated into any system to offer AI-based Search and Q&A functionalities. We are offering it as a fully managed service that can be integrated with your data applications using simple and intuitive REST API calls without having any knowledge of AI or Machine Learning (ML).

If you are looking for a custom implementation/demonstration or want to have a conversation about LLMs, please contact us or email me at william@beaconcross.com

Author – William Lewis (CTO)